Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Bowl and The Spoon

When my children were small they would complain that their brother got this or that and they did not. My response was "life is not fair and I don't care". The point being that equality doesn't happen with new shoes, outings or the icing on the spoon. Over time I'm convinced things were as even as possible but in the moment, no. Now it is my turn to whine about things not being fair. My Mom passed away in '07 so the lucky duck hearing this is my therapist who responds with a small smile and a wise nod of the head. (I'm paying an hourly rate for this, yes)
As an adult I truly do understand that life is not fair and mostly no one cares. And still I rail at the injustice. The railing and the wailing aren't helping much. If I thought it would help I'd stomp my foot like my toddlers did.
But sadly, my Mom is not around to hand out both the bowl and the spoon.


  1. Definitely doesn't feel fair...I'd say it gets easier with time, but sometimes even I wonder.

  2. Sometimes life isn't fair and sometimes you have to wonder what the universe or God, in Her infinite wisdom, is up to. And sometimes, like me right now, you feel like Job. What's the moral of this story? I haven't a clue. But I do believe that life is a classroom and every experience is a life lesson. And we keep trudging on and occasionally someone *hands you a bowl and spoon*.
