Thursday, September 1, 2011

In Practice

At therapy this week I was asked why I care what anyone else thinks of me.
I think the answer is that I am not so confident in who I am that someone else's opinion doesn't make me pause to consider ( or fear ) that they are correct.

'Sticks and stones can break my bones but words they cannot hurt me.'
Great in theory. In practice, not so much. So the logical answer here is to become so well acquainted with myself that outside vitriol cannot penetrate.
It's true that recent years have taken a toll on my self esteem.
But I am not so far gone that I'll go down without a fight.  And the fight is with myself. To hold onto what I know and to add to it through whatever means
life chooses to present to me.

So what do I know? I am not a liar. I am strong enough. I am not narcissistic.
I care about others. I am loyal. I am kind. I like to build people up not tear them down. I'd rather laugh than cry. You'd want me for a friend because I am a good one.

There are additional things to learn. There is more life to live.
Bring it.


  1. Yes!! There IS more life to live - much more. Those who have nothing better to do than be critical of you still will be critical. That is who they are. And that is what gets them through their days. If you keep your chin up and keep learning and growing as you are, their words may never reach more than your ears. Why? Because you will have strengthened your self-esteem and moved on down the road, leaving them behind to eat their words. I know you can do it! - KED4CKF
